
Showing posts from August, 2017

When The Thief Has Stolen From a Thief : God (and Jack) Laughs

        Little Jack  Warner Sat in the corner, Waiting to be extradited. When he  won a judicial review, He put on his shoe And walked away quite excited. Behind closed doors Jack Warner  is confident that he will not be extradited to the United States. Even though buying time is his first line of defense, in just a few weeks the former FIFA Vice President who is wanted in the USA on 14 counts of  FIFA related racketeering and  corruption charges will know  whether a  loophole in local law will  delay his extradition to face the consequences of flipping the script  on the world power, for his role in turning over the 2022 World Cup to Qatar. Jack Warner smiles as Cersi becomes unhinged and FIFA's Game of Thrones' plot intensifies. There is excitement in his legal camp which one year ago claimed Round One when Justice James  Christopher Aboud dismissed an application by the United States to ...