New World Steelband Order : Teague's minor changes make a major note

Professor Liam Teague (Photo Frederic Dubray) "I am a Dreamer," he declared. And he’s got ideas. But, here in Trinidad, Professor Liam Teague does not speak unless spoken to except when he is teaching. You would have to seek knowledge. And it is only then this humble man with an unmatched steelpan performance resume and teaching history would give some insight. Usually stoic and measured, Teague steers clear of controversy. Being in a panyard is not quite a normal experience for him anymore. The greater part of his life is now in the classrooms and the concert halls. But it has become an annual pilgrimage, a humbling one. And while the internationally recognised steelpan virtuoso is honoured to be among the thousands of musicians and players of instruments he hungers for more people, in Trinidad, to be able to truly appreciate what we have. All year he works with students who sight read music. In the panyard, he adjusts his game to b...