
Showing posts from April, 2018

Duvone’s Music Activism: Who Feels it, Knows it.

    Duvone Stewart opened the gates of hell and met them face to face; the killer and the man who killed the killer.  Duvonne Stewart hears the results. Photo Maria Nunes He faced the demons, conquered them and had love to spare, with a little bit of help from his “close friend, mentor, motivator, critic”   Wayne Alleyne whom he saw lying in a pool of blood on the ground just outside his home on Queen Street in Port of Spain. A murder statistic for the rest of Trinidad and Tobago, but this 59-year-old man was another one who was killed only to send a message to the other side in the turf war in the battle zone of East Port of Spain; the heartland of the island’s top three steelbands; Desperadoes, Renegades and All Stars.     “They made an example of Wayne. He was so close to me that it was real. It hit me hard. Every single thing that was expressed musically in the performance of Renegades, I turned around that experience and ...