
Showing posts from August, 2018

Steelbands without balls, Scrotums already sold

   All that remains is just a name. And a dirty one, at that. For   President Keith Diaz has delivered Pan Trinbago, by the balls, to the government of Trinidad and Tobago.   Pan Trinbago President Keith Diaz And the National Carnival Commission (NCC) is the vice grip that will hold the steel band body   by the testicles   according to the draconian terms of a Memorandum of Agreement   (MOA) which was signed and sealed- but never delivered to the membership- never mind that substantive issues are yet to be determined by the Court of Appeal.    Not only has the President weaseled his way out of a deep hole   into which he sunk with the weight of allegations of financial impropriety, but   the MOA   which will be in effect   until 2021 binds   the incoming President- and executive of Pan Trinbago making them redundant for   the remaining term of this   government It’s the boldest play, yet,...

Part 2 : Randolph Burroughs: Exposes foreign currency racket, informs US on Chadee

Randolph Burroughs  displays seized firearms This is just the second in the four-part series, the voice of Randolph Burroughs, the legendary Police Commissioner (1978-1984), explains, in his words, how the Ministry of Finance (perhaps unwittingly) the   banks along with   parts of the local business sector profited from the drug trade and crippled   his   effectiveness   and by extension, the TT Police Service. The excerpt is from his   unpublished biography which   chronicles, in detail, how he was framed to be removed from office and which also, through the cases he worked and solved as a detective, chronicles TT’s crime history. Blows the whistle on Foreign Currency Racket:      ...   Money Laundering Takes Root in T&T "In May 1983, I headed a party of police officers   which raided the home of Dole Chadee (NanKissoon Boodram) and we found a quantity of illicit drugs. More important...

Randolph Burroughs Speaks: Predicting T&T Crime Chaos

This is the voice of Randolph Burroughs, the legendary Police Commissioner (1978-1984) as recorded in an unpublished biography which not only chronicles, in detail, how he was framed to be removed from office but gives an unprecedented insight into Trinidad and Tobago’s crime history.  On December 5th 2005, in a special edition of the T&T Mirror, with permission from his son Edison Burroughs, we published excerpts which I will reproduce here in a four-part series. It is timely because it gives a perspective on crime in Trinidad and Tobago, explains how drug trafficking and money laundering and the foreign currency racket took root and most importantly details how the politicians -who ignored his calls for help to deal with the growing drug trade- eventually engineered his removal from office. The Chief, as he was fondly referred to, often told anyone who visited his home at Pinewood Gardens, Petit Valley that the Office of Commissioner of Police would never be...