
Showing posts from December, 2018

Beverley signs up for debt: Queen of $0.00

The politician that she is, Beverley Ramsey Moore is making the job as President of Pan Trinbago seem far more important than it really is. Still riding the wave of being the first woman to be president of the ”World Governing Body of steelpan, the Katzenjammers frontliner is falling into the mould set by her predecessors bringing nothing new to the table at the same time pulling in “her people” closer to fortify her position. That's even though she reported to an Extra Ordinary General Meeting   on December 5th that “Pan Trinbago is insolvent, way over debt.” That was backed up by her Treasurer Gerald Mendez: “We have inherited hell,” Mendez   stated just over a month after he seemed   to be the happiest man alive, pacing the floor when his slate won the elections held on October 28th at the Mucurapo East Secondary School.   And just about ten weeks away from the grandest international steel band festival, it is a clear case of culture shock for t...