
Showing posts from April, 2019

Big Pappies press the panic button

Part Three:   Randolph Burroughs, the legendary Police Commissioner (1978-1984) in his own words, explains that in 1984 amidst “overbearing politics in the Police Service” he travelled to the US   to take files to the FBI, ATF and the even the Drug Enforcement Agency DEA. At home in Trinidad, the white-collar criminals panicked. ( Read Below) Part Two: Outlines how VIPs created his downfall as he investigated the Foreign Currency racket and traces how businessmen and drug dealers became entwined and also crippled   his  effectiveness and  by extension, the TT Police Service. Part One: Burroughs established that the Narcotics Squad was involved in the Cocaine Trade, worked with police in Tucupita to bust an arms smuggling ring in the Chatham -Erin-Cedros area and suggested an amalgamation of police , customs, immigration,   Coast Guard and Army to deal with the problem. The excerpt is from his unpublished biography which expla...

Rag Storm Drama Continues....

WTH! Fake News? Nope, it’s true. So you thought that the Panorama Drama ended on February 22nd  when Justice Kevin Ramcharan granted an injunction that cleared the way for Exodus to change their tune of choice for the Finals of the 2019 Panorama competition, from Rag Storm to Savannah Grass? Clearly, it was more than simply a change of song or a challenge of the rules. Fact: Exodus Steelband and Ainsworth Mohammed, by choice, are now seeking more money from Pan Trinbago. And that’s beyond paying the cost of attorneys as the steelband body was instructed to do by the judge. Band manager  Mohammed is not owning up to that.  He insisted it’s “attorneys’ business.”  And what he said in a telephone conversation (see transcript below) does not line up with the court action that was filed on March 26th, in his name and in the name of the Exodus Steelband.  “I am surprised that it has come up, again,” Mohammed said. One is therefore left to wonder if the attor...