
Showing posts from November, 2019

Exposed:Love Triangle From MSYA to Whitehall, Committee staged to fail

The full letter, published, below is not just an expose- unintended as it is- on  the shortcomings of the Committee mandated to probe sexual harassment claims against former Minister of Sport Darryl Smith but also throws a glaring spotlight on the manipulation of the highest-ranking  non-political post in the  public service, the Permanent Secretary (PS).  And that TT$150,000 was peanuts compared with the millions that will be paid by taxpayers for unfair dismissal claims as a result of the love triangle involving Smith. In the end while Carrie Ann Moreau, is being paraded as the only victim of  Smith’s run at the Ministry of Sports and Youth Affairs(MSYA), here on the official records, is an account of the journey   to the TT$150,00 payout on what was a claim of sexual harassment and how a PS was moved out of the Ministry and sent to the boondocks to ensure that Moreau got her just due. Moreau, incidentally, is the niece of two top-ranking governme...