UNC or PNM insurgents undermine PP?
The scandalous 53 page questionnaire which is scanned and published above and below surfaced in the regular mail a few days ago. My information is that hard copies, only, have been distributed.
Obviously the person or persons behind the document dubbed the People’s Partnership Mid term Test Papers have wisely chosen not to distribute the two page document via the internet. After all, emails are obviously monitored by security officials as well as all manner of hackers and easily traced.
So the original source of this document will remain a mystery.
The big question: Is this mischief is the work – aimed primarily at Local Government Minister Chandradesh Sharma and Prime Minister Kamla Persad Bissessar-of the opposition People’s National Movement (PNM) or the United National Congress (UNC)?
If indeed, it was the work of the PNM, one would assume the plotters would not have placed the name of their leader as the person who should be on the receiving end of the completed questionnaire.
So did it come from the bowels of the UNC, as I strongly suspect?
Fingers are certainly pointing in that direction, since it has been trendy for a couple of disgruntled, albeit diehard UNC supporters to trade all kinds of nasty information about their politicians; stuff that would normally be kept in the closet.
Early o’ clock, I figured that the worms or Trojan horses within the party are hell bent on making it hard for Prime Minister Kamla Persad Bissessar. They alone know the reason.
After all, the questionnaire is clearly not aimed at steering the national debate in any positive direction. Even if it is meant to hurt the PM and some of the people who are perceived as close to her like her sister Wattie and the Local government Minister it can only keep the people mired in kangkalang.
UNC freeloaders- whose first interest is not the national good are no different to their PNM counterparts.
Give them a chance they will destabilize this society by any means necessary. This questionnaire was edited for obvious reasons.
Where there’s smoke there’s fire, however and if there’s truth in some of the statements posited as a questionnaire, then I wait for the mark to buss….. in the national interest of course.
And now the remaining nine scandalous questions