Romping in Tobago Part 3 : Email Witch Hunt

An email witch hunt, ordered by the Acting Permanent Secretary in the Minister of Sport and Youth Affairs (MYSA) Natasha Barrow has failed to find the person who leaked the information which led to iBlog's expose of the TT$91,910.43 joyride to Tobago by a delegation of 12 persons  led by Minister Darryl Smith.

Ironically,  the emails requesting  the witch hunt and outlining the conclusion  have also been leaked.
Ms Barrow went into overdrive on Tuesday May 23rd to find the source of the  leaked email "which was featured in an online blog post".

It was on Tuesday night that she made a telephone call to Andre Hanief, the Manager of Information Communication Technology asking him to look into the “unauthorized circulation of an email message possibly originating from the Ministry’s Domain.”

Haneif, however requested an  independent person to witness the investigation in an email which he sent the  following morning at 8 22 AM. 

In less than an hour, Ms Barrow  recommended Deputy Permanent Secretary Mrs Denese Arneaud as  the “independent witness.”

When nothing was found  in the email accounts of the five persons who were copied in the original email  from Sports Minister Darryl Smith’s Personal Secretary Maria-Elena Phillips  the Deputy PS Arneaud then recommended that the accounts of two other persons in the Ministry Ian Ramdahin and Michael Seebarran.

Still “ no evidence was found of emails surrounding the THA Sport Awards- of being forwarded from any account listed above,” the IT Manager concluded.

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